
2023, multimedia installation, bioart.


2021, video, interactive installation.


2018-2019, sound, installation.


2019, installation.

Post Organic Expedition

2020, computer animation


2023, speculative interface, interactive media.

Honeycomb Glimpse

2020, performance, video, installation. a part of the Syndromes Project

Artificial Cloud

2019, installation.

Shell Paroxysm

2020, video.

Zoo 5.0

2020, installation, open data.

Circuitous Bodies

2023, nail art, interactive sound art, performance.

Giant Tun Glimpse

2020, installation. a part of the Syndromes Project

An Ordinary Day

2020-2021, Documentation.

Slica Symbiotic

2019-2020, video, installation.

We Are Thirsty

2017, Computer animation.