The honeycomb, part of the Syndromes project, is a kinetic sculpture that functions as an auditory prosthesis by converting 2Ghz-120Ghz electromagnetic waves into sound, which is thought to cause deviations in bees’ hormone levels and magnetic direction senses.

"Syndromes" 2020 Performance, Video of performance, Installation.

 How much does our habit of dividing into pieces with formal methods help us to understand nature? How possible is it for us to make peace with the noise instead of filtering the noise? Maybe we need to understand noise to understand nature, if nature as noise. The first attempt of the project; Honeycomb as a translator, instrument, an auditory prosthesis that converts electromagnetic waves in its domain to sound.

“Ecological awareness is an explosion of context”

Very large entities such as mountains, oceans, asteroids sometimes move in such a way that the vibration of their movements produces a noise that is too deep for humans to hear.Sound waves circulate around the earth, encompassing all that remains within it. An incredibly deep, loud roar. A signature roar of part of the explosion.Waves emanating from the depths of the whole that cannot be comprehended.This deep noise is exactly the sound of context exploding.

Making process section & archive

Exhibition archive – One Akaretler 2022 (İstanbul)

Exhibition archive  –  BASE 21′ (İstanbul)

“Honeycomb” Mixed Media Kinetic Sculpture 14x9x1.9”

The second attempt of the project; Giant Tune as a translator, instrument, an auditory prosthesis that converts electromagnetic waves in its domain to sound.

“Giant Tune” Mixed media, kinetic sculpture 8.4x7x4.7

Special thanks to


Tahir Tayfun BAYAV